Work in Progress (2011)


Midway Studios, 15 Channel Center Street, Fort Point Channel, Boston
Come watch open rehearsals in a dramatic ground-floor raw space in Fort Point Channel. The piece is a collaboration between Weber Dance and scientist/author/adventurer Jon Turk and poet Andrew Arnett, which integrates storytelling, poetry and dance to explore the relationship between the scientific perspective and the realm of mystery and magic. It will premiere at the Cambridge Multicultural Arts Center in Oct. 2011. The dancers are visible through windows along Channel Center Street or from the mezzanine level inside, accessible through Midway Studio’s lobby.
Friday, April 22, 5:30PM-7:30PM: REHEARSAL
Saturday, April 23, 9:30AM-2:00PM REHEARSAL
Sunday April 24, 9:30AM-12PM REHEARSAL
Monday, April 25, 9:30AM-11:30 MEETINGS
Tuesday April 26, 5:30PM-8:30PM REHEARSAL
Wednesday, April 27, 9:30AM-11:30 CLOSED MEETINGS
Thursday, April 28, 5:30PM-8:30PM REHEARSAL
Saturday, April 30, 12:30PM-3:00PM TECH REHEARSAL
Sunday, May 1, 9:30AM-12:00PM: RUN-THROUGH REHEARSAL
Friday, May 6
Weber Dance will be teaching roles to San Francisco based dancer, Becca Rozell, for an upcoming residency in Juneau Alaska. Becca will be learning three sections of dance over the course of three days.
6:00-8:00PM WRITER AT WORK * New Addition
Writer Jared Green will work on a piece called, “10-26: In the Ruins of the Memory Palace,” which is partly about taking stock of things he can no longer remember, including memories of his childhood. As he types, his “words in progress” will be projected live, two stories tall. Open to the public.
Saturday May 7, 11:30AM-4:30PM REHEARSAL
First hour: dancers, Shannon Humphreys and Jody Weber will revive Split Sense, a dance from the company’s repertory that will be performed at the end of June. Weber Dance will continue the process of teaching parts to Becca Rozell. Remainder: other company dancers will join for parts of the rehearsal to facilitate her process.
Sunday May 8, 9:30AM to 12:30PM REHEARSAL
Full company plus guests will be working on the new dance. We will be assimilating dancers into their roles in particular groupings for various performances over the next two months.

Writer Jared Green, new addition to Work In Progress, will appear Friday, May 6, details above and on our blog here.
- Temporarily re-purpose vacant storefront space, contribute to a more vibrant street-level culture, and stimulate local economic activity.
- Provide an opportunity for local performing arts groups to engage new audiences by showcasing work prior to performance.
- Provide free rehearsal space for local performing arts companies.

A solution: we used a question box for the audience to submit questions to the dancers and choreographer, which were answered later on our web site.
Download Poster for Work In Progress in Fort Point Channel April 22-May 8. (PDF 369 KB) Or download high rez version for printing (33MB).
Download Press Release for Work In Progress in Fort Point Channel April 22-May 8. (PDF 274 KB)

Photos: Chris Engles for Weber Dance Company.

Boston Dance Alliance has developed a portable, sprung dance floor that can support a wide range of dance styles and movement activities. The floor can transform a space into a dance venue quickly and without any tools or additional hardware. Learn more about the floor here.

Work In Progress: one long day and we are underway
Weber Dance has taken the stage at Work In Progress. Join us during the next three weeks and watch them rehearse. Schedule here. Today was a long and fulfilling day for Boston Street Lab. Watch our own progress in the photo/video slideshow below. Thanks to Boston...
Work In Progress launches tomorrow
Tomorrow, we'll take this raw space and transform it into a rehearsal studio for seven dancers, a scientist, and a poet. And the public. Thank you to the staff at Midway Studios and the residents living above, who have already dropped by to say hello. Thank you to...
Work In Progress: meet the floor
When we compared music, theater and dance rehearsals for the launch of Work In Progress, dance was far and away the most challenging activity to produce in a vacant storefront. But we also thought dance would have the most impact. The solution: a custom-designed,...
Artist Courtney Moy contributes watercolor artwork and poster for Work In Progress
We're excited to be working again with local artist Courtney Moy. Last year, she generously donated her time to create artwork for our project Films at the Gate (movie theater in a vacant lot). Now, she's created artwork for Work In Progress—all on her own time,...
Work In Progress: meet the space
Preparations are underway for the launch of Work In Progress (open rehearsals in vacant storefronts), and we'll be reporting about it here on the blog. Our first location in Fort Point Channel, Boston is a somewhat atypical vacant storefront situation—it has limited...
Boston Street Lab to launch Work In Progress on April 22: open rehearsals, vacant storefronts
We’re excited to announce the launch of Work In Progress, April 22 - May 8. Here's the concept: performing arts rehearsals in vacant storefronts. It’s our take on Art Windows. Thank you to our space partner HallKeen Real Estate and our performing arts partner...